One Summer’s Paddling: Daily Log


Kangaroo Island

Day 1: 21 December Kingscote–Boxing Bay
Total time: 2:45 Distance: 7.7 nm (14.2 km)

Day 2: 22 December Boxing Bay–near Cape Cassini
Lunch at Dashwood Bay 4:40 15.1 nm (28 km)

Day 3: 23 December Near Cape Cassini–Western River Cove
Lunch at Middle River 6:05 18.1 nm (33.5 km)

Day 4: 24 December Western River Cove–Kangaroo Gully
2:12 7.6 nm (14 km)

Day 5: 25 December Kangaroo Gully–Harvey’s Return
2:25 9.9 nm (18.3 km)

Day 6: 26 December Harvey’s Return–West Bay
4:05 14 nm (26 km)

Days 7–9: 17–29 December West Bay
Retrieving supplies, waiting for weather

Day 10: 30 December West Bay–Hanson Bay (South West River)
11:09 (break at Kirkpatrick Point not timed) 23.2 nm (43 km)
Hatchcover broken en route

Day 11: 31 December Hanson Bay–Vivonne Bay
5:52 18.4 nm (34 km)
Late start, due to wait for helicopter

Day 12: 1 January 1981 Vivonne Bay–near Nobby Islet–Vivonne Bay
2:47 Decided to return in less than ideal conditions

Days 13–18: 2–7 January Vivonne Bay

Day 19: 8 January Vivonne Bay–D’Estrees Bay
9:05 27.5 nm (51 km)

Day 20: 9 January D’Estrees Bay–Pink Bay
10:38 (inc lunch break at Point Reynolds) 31.4 nm (58.2 km)

Day 21: 10 January Pink Bay–Penneshaw
Time not recorded, break at Antechamber Bay 13.5 nm (25 km)

Day 22: 11 January Penneshaw–American Beach
Time not recorded 6.5 nm (12 km)

Day 23: 12 January American Beach–Kingscote
Time not recorded 13.2 nm (24.5 km)

Total distance: 206 nm (382 km)

Port Lincoln–Adelaide

Day 1: 23 January Port Lincoln (Kirton Point)–Thistle Island (Waterhouse Bay)
Total time: 10:00 Distance: 28 nm (52 km)

Day 2: 24 January Thistle Island–Wedge Island
4:45 15 nm (27.8 km)

Day 3: 25 January Wedge Island–Stenhouse Bay
Landfall and break at West Cape 8:30 27 nm (50 km)

Day 4: 26 January Stenhouse Bay–Point Gilbert
Break at Port Davenport 9:00 29.5 nm (54.6 km)

Days 5–7: 27–29 January Point Gilbert

Day 8: 30 January Point Gilbert–Edithburgh
5:45 17 nm (31.5 km)

Days 9–10: 31 January–1 February Edithburgh

Day 11: 2 February Edithburgh–Glenelg
11:25 (03:40 departure) 38 nm (70.4 km)

Total distance: 154.5 nm (286 km)

Introduction | Circumnavigation | Crossing | Notes

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